Friday, March 22, 2013

Customized Glass Bottles

Being the experienced drinker of fine bourbons and wines that I am...there never seems to be a lack of empty glass bottles around.   So instead of just tossing these beautiful objects in the trash I've started to save them for a new project.

I was lucky to receive a new Dremel tool as a gift.  Pretty much the coolest thing ever.  As I experimented with the different bits that I got with it I discovered how fun it is to carve and etch glass...

So a new hobby is though I need another hobby.

This is one of my first bottles.  I like how it turned out.  Stay tuned...more to come!


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bocaj Industries - More Than Motorcycles!

Until now this blog has been mainly for cataloging the progress on my motorcycle build.  Well, it will continue to do that, but in addition, I will be adding some new content from time to time.  Basically whatever other creative projects I may be working on that I think are cool and would like to share.

So, on that note...

Pan Target-
Have you ever wondered what to do with all those old, useless, worn out pots and pans?  Shoot them!
I welded up a nice little frame out of some thin wall tube steel I had from an old carport.    The two cross bars are detachable with pins so you can take it apart for transport or storage.  The targets are just some old pans that have ruined their last egg.  Added a little paint so you can see where you hit.  When the pans are worn out I'm sure I'll have some more to add to the cause.
